Friday, November 18, 2005

Quotations from Brainy Smurf 10

"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him."
--Thomas Szasz

"Rhubarb is a vegetable, no matter what the government says: a member of the buckwheat family of herbaceous plants including buckwheat, dock, and smartweed, which are characterized by having swollen joints, simple leaves, small petalless flowers, and small, dry, indehiscent fruit. Indehiscent means 'not dehiscent', not opening at maturity to release the seed. So 'indehiscent' means 'hard, dry, holding onto the seed', which actually describes Norwegians quite well. Most Norwegians consider dehiscence to be indecent. They hold the seed in. But rhubarb pie comes along in the spring, when we're half crazed from five months of winter -- it's the first fresh vegetable we get, and it makes us dehisce."
--Garrison Keillor

"All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and to receive help from other people."
--Alexis Carrel, Reflections on Life


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